Sunday, November 4, 2012

Response to course mablarghablargh

Blargh has been the name of the game lately.

Let's start with Death of a Salesman. I… wasn't sure what to expect. Something else, regardless. The entire movie made me twitch, though. Willy Loman rubbed me the wrong way and I could not stop hating him from start to end. Maybe it's because I harbor a deep, unconscious hatred towards old people, I'm unsure of the cause. The character just made me angry, and I think that tainted the entire play. I could no longer enjoy it. I felt no sentimental attachments to the characters, so when Willy died I just shrugged. Woo. He died. He bugged me anyway. Can we give Happy some attention? Maybe apologize for his terrible name? How much he must have been bullied! This play is paying attention to the wrong characters! Blargh!

Hmph. Maybe discussing it in class will help.

Moving on. We have done very little in class beyond watch the movie, but we have been busy at work with our blogs. I… have been less busy at work with mine. I detest analyzing news articles with ever fiber of my being. Don't get me wrong, I could hold a long conversation on the topic and be enthralled, but writing it… Things just don't work. Hence why I will be losing points for not completing that assignment. Blargh. At least I've found the open prompts useful, but I still drag my feet when completing them. They're just so… bland. I feel limited and voiceless, like I'm just writing something everyone knows. I hope I can start writing essays I find engaging, because I feel like all I'm doing now is lulling myself to sleep.

Lastly. The terms test retake. I studied, I swear. I even played the games. I printed out the terms sheet. But… Well, BBC's Merlin suddenly reclaimed my life. Then I wanted to draw. Then I had to study math. And I was tired, I had to sleep… And then my score, well. One word for that.



  1. Hi! I definitely have to agree with you about Willy, I was not all that fond of him either. He seemed really annoying, but after discussing his character in class it seems that he is a character to whom all can relate, but then why do most people not like him? Anyway just something to think about. I noticed in your blog that you talk a lot about not liking the blog assignments, and to be honest they aren't my favorite task to do either, but I found that if I am able to make connections from a book we have read in class or material we have learned to another piece of literature then the blogs can be "fun", or at least more enjoyable. So to help you reprocess the material you could talk about images from the film of Death of a Salesmen and connect them to The American Dream or you look for any allusions you see. This way you are reprocessing material and not simply stating what we did in class.

  2. I didn't mind Willy very much when we first watched the movie, but after annotating, I hated Willy much more. Happy never did get much attention, but I didn't really like him either because he was so similar to Willy. Even after reading about Miller's opinion of Willy, I have to agree more with "The Commodity Comes Home to Roost." Willy is just a crazy old man living a lie. I also agree with you about the newspaper article blog assignment. It doesn't help me that much, so I just feel like I am wasting my time. The prompts are very helpful however for me. The terms test retake wasn't the best for me, but I improved my score by a large margin after looking at examples online.

  3. I agree with your analysis on Willy. I hated him. Heck, I hated just about every character in the play except for Bernard and the guy in the restaurant (I think his name was Stanley). Because of that, I wasn't really all that interested in Happy either. He was hopelessly blind to everything and determinedly happy in spite of everything going on around him. It's like he was hiding his head from everything that had happened. "NO, I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT MY BROTHER DID ANYTHING WRONG. WE'LL JUST HIDE THE REALITY UNDER OUR FALSE UNIVERSE!" (As you can tell, I didn't like him.)

    I agree with what you said about the blog assignments. They're a bit of a pain and I don't enjoy doing them, even though I can see why they would be helpful. I mean, I'll keep going them, but... Yeah, not a fan of them either. Maybe i'll get used to them or come to enjoy them? I hope so.

    Okay, the thing about the terms test was that I studied really hard this time and did worse. I don't even attempt to understand anymore. I tended to overthink when I knew the words better. Either that or my guessing skills are really good. I dunno. "Blargh" summed up my feelings pretty well about that.
